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The Ripple Effect

Reuse, Repurpose & Recycle Proud Source Water

“Hey Siri, are Proud Source Water bottles reusable?”

If you are an Apple user, you’ll likely see the colorful blob at the bottom of your screen swirling around for the world’s longest minute before her robotic voice responds, “I’m sorry, I could not find the answer to that. Here are some web results.” If you are not an Apple user, hopefully you have a friend named Siri.

Okay, so maybe not the most helpful response, but hey—maybe that is how you arrived at this blog post. Luckily for you, we have the answer, and in short, it is simple: yes, our bottles are reusable, repurposable and 100% recyclable. 

At Proud Source Water, a major factor in the decision to bottle our water in aluminum was the material’s superior recyclability rate- especially when compared to other packaging materials. 



Our aluminum bottle can actually be refilled and reused over 60 times before putting into the recycling bin. Despite being manufactured as single-use containers, extensive tests from our manufacturers have verified their quality and the polyester-based lining upholding over multiple washes. 


Observational tests have displayed that the bottle’s integrity remains intact over 30 days when continuously refilled with tap water and: 1) no wash in between fills, 2) washed with regular dish soap and dried in between fills, 3) machine washed with dishwasher soap and dried between cycles. Minor wear was noted only on the cap’s threading, which did not affect the bottle’s usability within the month’s duration.


Of course, if you love the taste of Proud Source as much as we do, you may end up with quite the accumulation of bottles. Though each is completely recyclable, they are so sturdy and aesthetic that it can be a struggle to toss them in the bin. In this case, Proud Source Water bottles are perfect for repurposing!


Over the years, our employees, ambassadors, and customers have all devised clever uses for our aluminum bottles. If you are wondering what to do with the empty bottle in your hand here are some clever ways to repurpose Proud bottles-

  • Vase for long-stemmed flowers
  • Create a small watering can by poking holes in the bottom
  • Hold your pencils or reusable straws
  • Hair ties/Scrunchie holder 
  • Fill a bottle with pebbles to create a bookend that doubles as a rain stick
  • Music Shaker for kids 
  • An inexpensive dog toy

You might pause here and shake your head, thinking “why would a brand ever encourage me to buy less of their product?” Valid question, but to be frank, Proud Source is not your typical bottled water brand. We have vowed to follow the earth’s lead in all of our actions, and that often means putting people and the planet ahead of profits. Please reuse our bottles, re-purpose and then recycle them.  

How else do you repurpose your Proud Source Water bottles? Tag us on social to show us how you are repurposing Proud!


Written by: Alec Weber