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The Ripple Effect

Proud Source Water is Proud to be a B Corp

What is a B Corp? 

In 2019, Proud Source Water became certified as a registered B Corporation. B Corp is a group of businesses dedicated to balancing profit with purpose, and using business as a force for good. As a B Corp, we consider the impact that our decisions have on all of our stakeholders—including the environment. Every three years, we go through the recertification process to ensure that we continue to have a strong and tangible impact on the things that we value as a company and we revisit our sustainability goals to continue to push for progress and meet the highest standards.  


Why is being a B Corp important to us? 

At Proud Source Water, our goal is to be the most transparent bottled water company in the world. Through B Corp, we are able to demonstrate this commitment, while striving to consistently do better when it comes to our three core brand pillars: Source, Sustainability, and Community. This year, we are publishing our first annual impact report to publicly demonstrate our commitments, progress, and goals.  


Progress and goals 

Our commitment to impact is measured with a B Score. This score is calculated by assessing our impact in five main areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. In 2019, we had a B Score of 80.7, and we hope to continue making improvements to our business to achieve even higher levels of impact in the future. 

In 2022, we will go through the recertification process for the first time. With the help of our B Corp impact assessment in 2019, we were able to set new goals and make plans to become more sustainable, aware, and impactful in the local community of Mackay and beyond. We’re currently in the process of reviewing our 2019 score again to determine additional ways that we can improve within the next year.  

Want to learn more about our future goals and plans? Be on the lookout for Proud Source Water’s 2020-2021 Impact Report!