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The Ripple Effect

Protecting Our Earth's Resources

brown rock formation

By now, we all know that water conservation is a critical part of protecting and preserving our earth. Across the planet, an estimated 1.8 billion people will suffer from water scarcity, or the lack of access to clean drinking water, by 2025, according to the United Nations.

At Proud Source Water, we bottle natural spring water without exploiting it. We understand the importance of protecting and conserving  our natural resources and all that Mother Nature provides for us. We are dedicated to finding natural spring water while conserving and protecting the source for the future of our planet. 

During Earth Month, as we focus our efforts on the beauty of our planet, we at Proud Source Water want to highlight the importance of water conservation in both our journey as a brand and in our fight against climate change and other environmental crises.

That’s why we’ve pledged to protect our springs and have made a promise to never take more than 5% of the daily output of our natural spring sources. But what exactly does this mean?


5% Pledge

At our two sources in Mackay, Idaho and Apalachicola, Florida, over 1 million gallons of water flow through every day. However, we understand the importance of the water in their respective ecosystems, and we strive to disrupt these ecosystems as little as possible. This means taking just 50,000 gallons from our springs, which is more than enough to sustain our demand and the need for clean drinking water for humans.

Zero Waste Policy

Another key pillar of importance for Proud Source Water is our Zero Waste policy, which strives to leave no water or other resources behind in our bottling process. In the water industry, other methods of bottling water can waste up to 75% of the water supply. We’re committed to zero waste.

We use a gravity-fed system that feeds the water through a micro-filtration system, clearing out any particles or debris that may have made its way into the water.

The next step uses a resource that Earth already provided for us: the sun. We activate a UV filtration technique that further cleans the water supply.

The final stage before Proud Source Water is ready to be bottled is called ozonation. This critical step oxidizes the water and removes any microorganisms and other compounds from the water, guaranteeing a fresh, clean and great-tasting spring water.

Through all of this, we pledge to use all of the water that comes through our gravity-fed system and filter it using Earth’s natural resources to leave our facility waste-free and minimize our carbon footprint.

When you're drinking Proud Source Water, you know the water you are drinking is treated with respect and poised to remain a natural asset for next generations to come. As our brand continues to grow and the demand for fresh water increases worldwide, we promise to keep our commitment of never taking more than 5% of spring output. Because Proud Source Water isn’t just about selling water--we’re committed to creating a better world for our future generations.

Water is our world’s most valuable resource, and we are Proud to treat it that way.